Wednesday, September 05, 2007

O Danny Boy . . The Pipes the Pipes are Calling . . .

Well I made it to Europe, and the jet lag is kicking my butt! We are in Dublin today, and it really has been everything I hoped it would be. I am already loving the hostel living. I am in a mixed dorm room with 18 beds and two toilets and two showers. I have already been offered to help finish off a bottle of Southern Comfort with a new found friend from Austrailia. Even though I have never seen the movie, I decided there is no way Paris Hilton (even while acting) would stay in a Hostel. In fact I just told Britta how impressed I am that as a girl she would be willing to live like this for several weeks. I don't know many other girls who could handle it. I also have been made fun of by her, because I think I brought twice as much stuff as she did. It actually is pretty nice (don't freak out Dad). I really love Dublin. I can barely understand half of the people here, but everyone has been really nice. The weather has been excellent. It is around 65 degrees which is a nice break from the heat wave we were having in San Diego.
We enjoyed a great lunch today at a charming little cafe called 'Subway'. It was quite delightful. Ireland has recently become the most expensive country in the EU, so we are saving our money for Spain.
I forgot to bring the cord to my camera with me today so I could upload some pictures, but I will remember for the next post. In the meantime here are some images off of the web from things that we saw today:

This is Grafton Street. It is a walking street mall with lots of street performers. Alas the Bush Man in San Francisco could put them all to shame.

This is Trinity College in Dublin. It's campus is almost as nice as the University of Utah's but it doesn't quite have the history.

This river runs through the town and really adds some charm. However if you look at it closely it is quite brown and I have decided that they most likely dump their sewage into it. No matter it still adds charm, much like the East River does to New York.

Well that is all for today. I am off to the Pub for some Guinness and to listen to some traditional Irish folk music, and hopefully see an amateur boxing match (doesn't it seem like there is always one of those in every Irish movie?). Cheerio!


Allison said...

Wow we are jealous of your adventure. I am pretty sure I could handle the hostel living. It couldn't be worse than the hostels we stayed at in Chile. Maybe it could. Anyway we wish we were there, and I bet you wish we were there too. Owen would put your ear plugs to good use.

3703 said...

Blimey what a fine post. You must be a giant out there among the wee people of Ireland. You are so 'Far and Away' and it must be nice not to have any 'Commitments', but that is the life of a 'Leprochaun' (those were the only Irish movies that I could think up of).

You are missed.

Peter FNFN said...

yes, it does seem like there's a dirty irish fight in every irish movie... so i'm assuming you'll be joining. tell the pub you'll box britta if you guys can have 30% of the profits from the booz that night!

Spencer Davis said...

Ireland sounds like fun. How is it compared to Chile? Can you tell if those in Ireland love the great American actors like they do down in Chile? Great actors such as Jean Claude Van Dam? and Rambo?

When you get home, you need to watch "Once." Its a great little indi film that takes place in Ireland. Allison did a post about it on her blog. You would enjoy it.

lisa c. said...

Have you seen any people, maybe with the name of Darby O'Gill? That was one other movie the rumbler forgot...I'm glad you're going to continue the posts, it's like we're there with you, seeing it through your eyes.