Friday, September 07, 2007

Mad for Madrid

Well kids. What can I say? Madrid is freakin awesome! However Jet Lag is not. I really thought I was over it until it was 5:30 AM this morning and it dawned on me that I still hadn´t slept. Here are some pictures from Madrid in slideshow format. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

It looks like Buenos Aires with their pedestrian only streets. Are there gelato shops on every corner? What are your favorite flavors? You still haven't taken any pictures of all the gifts you are bringing me. If you don't have room for them in your backpack, you can ship them home. It looks like you are enjoying yourself. Continue having fun, but be safe! Where are you going to be on 9/11? Your mom is worried for your safety!

Spencer Davis said...

Didn't Osama bin Laden say in his new video that he is planning an attack on Spain on 9/11?

Those pics look really cool. Especially that post office. How about a blog about the food you've been eating. Maybe you need to try more things before you do that, but I'm excited to hear and see pics of food. How is your spanish? How are the ladies? Been to any Discos?

We'll keep you in our prayers.

Peter FNFN said...

sign me up for the postal service!
it looks like Bakersfield, just with less people. cool!

Maren said...

YOU ARE KILLING ME. I love Madrid as well, perhaps we can reminisce when you get home. Maybe you will feel a little jealous knowing I lived there for 2 1/2 months. However you are there now and that makes me jealous. Have FUN! And don't miss "churros con chocolate" at night in the plazas. Also, Corte Ingles is the craziest place I have ever been in my life. Find it. There is one at Plaza del Sol.

Kyle said...


The trip looks very cool!! Please go to a disco similar to Babylonia in PR!!

Anonymous said...

O.K Spencer. I just reminded T.J that terrorists bombed the subway in Madrid just a few years ago, so don't think I am too paranoid. (T.J don't ride public transporation on 9/11) just a little motherly advice.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

We are ready for another update. Are you alive???

Spencer Davis said...

Sorry Trish. Terrorism is no laughing matter. Hopefully TJ's beautiful and spot on Spanish, knowledge of Spain's economy and deep sexy tan will make all terrorists believe that he is a native Spaniard.