Sunday, October 29, 2006

Best Couple Costume? I really need to start dating

The air is getting a little bit crisper here in San Diego. With it comes the cooling temperatures. Lately we have only been seeing highs of 77-79 degrees. That must mean that Halloween is just around the corner. To celebrate my roomate Judson and I decided that we must maximize on the opportunity of a creative costume as a way of luring the San Diegan Babes. We needed something creative that would also spark a good conversation. We knew that we both needed complimentary costumes that would draw girls to us (as we do not dare approach them ourselves). Our first idea I still feel is quite clever but perhaps a little insensitive. Judson was going to be a sting ray and I was going to dress up as the Crocidile Hunter. After a two-day debate it was decided this would be funny if the Crocidile Hunter was only severely injured and not killed. With his death it seemed only cruel.

We then returned to an idea that we had been playing around with. A quick trip to the Dickie's Outlet store in the beautiful Chula Vista area and a little arts and crafts time with some old moving boxes produced this:
What you are seeing is correct. Judd is a package from God to Women otherwise known as 'God's gift to Women'. I am the UPS man in charge of his on-time delivery. The costume had much better results than we ever could have imagined. We have to date attended two parties with the following results:

1st Party 'The Booze Cruise':
We decided to try out our ingenious design at the San Diego County YSA boat dance last weekend. Saying the costume was a success would be an understatement. Everyone we walked by would look at Judd with a weird expression on their face, then look at me, then back at Judd, and then burst in to laughter. We had numerous requests for photos. We happily obliged however we required them to 'sign for the package' by giving us their name and phone number on the clipboard. Total number of phone numbers: 23

2nd Pary 'Singles Ward Delight'
Last night we attended a singles ward party. We collected another 16 numbers and were also crowned the honor of 'best couples costume'. We also learned that we were considered 'fresh meat' in the ward. All in all very exciting.

I would love to hear your thoughts on our costume.


3703 said...

What a great costume idea! How on earth did you come up with that? I love it.

23 numbers would equal about 23 dates. That means if you go on one date every weekend it will take you half a year. I hope they remember who you are in April.

You two look great. Keep up the laughs.

Ian said...

What a great way to burst onto the San Diego singles scene. I especially like the touch that people had to sign for the package with addresses and phone numbers. Did you also ask for vital statistics (age, education level, level of interest in dating two fine looking young men from SLC, etc.)?

Also, what is the San Diego County YSA and how many of the 23 young women who gave you their numbers on the booze cruise will remember having given it to you?

Katie said...

My instructions upon calling Ian this morning were to "check out TJ's blog. Your costumes are so funny. Leave it to you two to come up with an idea like that! Nice work. I also am very impressed that you had the girls "sign" for the packages. Way to go!

Spencer Davis said...

I guess the true question is how many of the first batch of 23 and second batch of 16 were actually attractive? I'm sure any ugly girl would have happily given her number out.

tjcool18 said...
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tjcool18 said...

Darth Spencer, I am shocked! Everyone is beautiful in their own individual ways. Who knew you were so shallow? Of course you would know all about asking ugly girls for their numbers as you were so prolific at it in High School. Boo yeah!

3703 said...

We narrowed down the list of 23 to about 4, maybe five possible dates. Then those failed as they refused to respond to our 'delivery confirmation.' So we played things smarter with the 16 we got on the next party and set up an actual night when we'd get together. I told a girl she looked "jennifer connellyesque" and she loved it. So she invited us over on Halloween night and it turns out she had a boyfriend and one of her roomates made fun of me for saying she looked like Jennifer Connely. But I think they loved the effort and it made me even more endearing

Anonymous said...

TJ and Judd. Your costume was good. Rachele and I had a good laugh at it. It would have been more impressive if you would have provided pictures of the women that you got numbers from. I will have you know that I was also a big hit at our Russian school with my costume. I had kids yelling Johnny Depp and Jack Sparrow at me all day. I also had high school girls wanting to take pictures with me and their moms too.

Anonymous said...

So last year I was finally able to get over Michael Larsen's comments to me in 1st grade that my two girlfriends were "cute, but that I was fat and ugly and that he didn't want to sit by me anymore!" But to hear my Homecoming date thinks that my Husband only likes ugly girls, well thats just too much. Have fun finding someone else to do puzzles with TJ, it's over.

Nads said...

TJ mate you are SO funny!! *LOOVE* your blog... its one thing to be funny in person, but a whooole other dimension to be funny in written word! You master both somehow!! That, and your crocodile hunter stingray costume idea had me cackling for a while, heehee!!! *Please* tell me I can join you and Britta on your curry dates, paaaleeese!! Nads!! :D

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the costume. I think you look pretty cute as a delivery guy, you know I have heard those guys and their little shorts get all the women, maybe this is a sign you need to change profession! Good luck to you and your roomie in the hunt for the perfect San Diego babes. Girls love a man and his clipboard!